
Net Worth Mailing List

Millionaire Mailing List


The world is their oyster and they wouldn’t have it any other way...

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Using their affluent position to enjoy the better things in life is what these conspicuous consumers do best. They stretch their upper level incomes to the max in order to maintain their affluent status quo.

Affluent households are major consumers of a multitude of products and services. This mailing list allows marketers a cost-effective method of reaching the most prosperous households in the country.

The Affluent Lifestyle Mailing List is perfect for any marketer who needs to reach America’s wealthiest households. These are consumers with a net worth exceeding $1,000,000 and the income to support their lifestyles. They tend to drive luxury cars and have disposable income to enjoy the finer things in life. This database is assembled by combining multiple sources including Credit Bureau data, Census data, Questionaires, Surveys, Credit Card transaction files, Auto Registration files, drivers license files, Deed and Assessment information.

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Absolute Lists Marketing Group, LLC

Providing Quality Sales Leads Since 1993


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Credit Score Mailing Lists

FICO & Beacon Score Mailing Lists

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Homeowners Mailing Lists

Absentee Homeowners Mailing Lists

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Other Specialty Files - Contact a List Specialist for more information today!

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New Movers Mailing List |Auto Owner Mailing List | Medical Mailing List | New Homeowners Mailing List

Ethnic Mailing List | Surname Mailing List | Business to Business Mailing Lists | New Movers Mailing List

Net Worth Mailing List | Consumer Mailing List | Bankruptcy Mailing List

| Absentee Homeowners Mailing List | Students Mailing List

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4240 Portsmouth Blvd., #232, Chesapeake, VA  23321

[T] 757-453-LIST (5478)  


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(757) 453-LIST (5478)

Absolute Lists Marketing Group offers the highest quality, targeted mailing lists and telemarketing lists on the market today!  Whether you require consumer mailing lists or business mailing lists, we can help.  We also specialize in student lists, association lists, email lists and appends, bankruptcy mailing lists, auto owners by make/model/year, new homeowners mailing lists and medical mailing lists.